A variety of year-round juice blends
Our juices are made using only 100% organic vegetables, roots and herbs. We also LOVE to source locally whenever possible.
Coconut water, raw cacao powder, maca root, ashwaghanda root, maple
Honey Drop.......................$5.00
Local Wofchuck Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar, Orange Juice, Ginseng & Cinnamon
Bee Happy.......................$5.00
Bee Pollen, Orange, Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon & Black Pepper
Cilantro, Moringa, Garlic, Lemon, Oil of Oregano
Burdock Root, Whole Leaf Aloe Vera, Pineapple, Lemon & Mint Essence
Live Blue-Green Algae, Coconut H20 & Fresh Lime juice
Protein Monkey.......................$10.95
Fresh made almond milk, peanut butter, dates, bananas, pea protein powder, vanilla, pink Himalayan sea salt
Almond Joyful.......................$10.95
Fresh made almond milk & coconut milk, raw cacao powder, maple, maca root powder, almond and coconut extract & pink Himalayan sea salt
Coconut Matcha.......................$10.95
Fresh made almond milk & coconut milk, matcha green tea powder, agave nectar, coconut extract
Fresh made almond milk, raw cacao powder, green power blend, pea protein powder, hemp protein powder, agave nectar, mint essence & pink Himalayan sea salt
Earth Brew.......................$10.95
Fresh made almond milk, cold-brew coffee, chaga mushrooms, cordyceps mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, vanilla bean, vanilla extract & pink HImalayan sea salt
Mocha Mia!.......................$10.95
Made with cold-brew coffee & raw cacao powder
My Blue Heaven.......................$10.95
Made with blue majik blue algae, vanilla beans, vanilla extract.
Master Cleanser.......................$7.50
Filtered H2O, lemon juice, maple, ginger, cayenne
Terere style Yerba Mate drink brewed with oregon grape root, mint leaves, elderflower, echinacea mixed with fresh lime juice and blue butterfly pea blossom powder and lightly sweetened with agave nectar.
Terere style Yerba Mate drink brewed with passion flower, lemon balm, St. John's wort, and mixed with lemon juice, fresh ginger, dragonfruit powder and lightly sweetened with agave nectar.
Aloe Blue Limeade.......................$7.50
Filtered H2O, lime juice, agave nectar, fresh aloe vera, blue algae
Kefir Colada.......................$9.95
Coconut water Kefir, coconut meat & pineapple juice
Tahitian Limeade.......................$7.50
Filtered H2O, lime juice, agave nectar, fresh coconut, coconut extract
Black Magic.......................$8.00
Filtered H2O, lemon juice, local Wofchuck honey, lavender flowers, activated charcoal
Pure Celery Juice.......................$9.95
100% pure, organic celery juice
Veggie Mary.......................$9.95
Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Garden Peppers, Beets, Spinach, Cilantro, Lemon, Garlic, Jalapeno, Oil of Oregano, Cayenne, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt
Seasonal Remedy.......................$9.95
Pear, Dino Kale, Romaine, Dandelion Greens, Parsley, Orange, Lime & Ginger
Gina’s Garden.......................$9.95
Cucumber, Green Apple, Celery, Spinach, Kale, Cilantro, Mint, Parsley, Ginger, Turmeric, Jalapeno & Lemon
Ruby Nirvana.......................$9.95
Orange, Beets, Pineapple, Turmeric & Lemon
Detox Me.......................$9.95
Daikon, Celery, Cucumber, Beets, Spinach, Cilantro, Ginger, Garlic & Lemon
Sunshine Daydream.......................$9.95
Grapefruit, Orange, Pineapple & Ginger
Cucumbers, Fennel, Kale, Romaine, Ginger & Lemon
Liquid Gold.......................$9.95
Carrots, Orange, Pineapple & Turmeric
Turn The Beet Around.......................$9.95
Beets, Beet Greens, Purple Kale, Apple, Lemon & Ginger
Oh My Greenness!.......................$9.95
Apple, Celery, Cucumber, Spinach, Kale, Collards, Parsley & Lime